Happiness equation
As discussed earlier there are 8 billion ways of becoming happier
(a completely different way for each individual in the world) hence it is nearly impossible
to make one single equation which tackles all the aspects of the topic and covers it
for every individual on this planet, but as we know humans are the same in some regards, it can be used in our favor hence a generalized concept can be given
So by logical thinking and reasoning, we can form ourselves an Equation, here are some common observations
Happiness is directly proportional to personality (type of a
person positive or negative thinker)
It is directly proportional to circumstances (where a person
is living)
It is directly proportional to the current state of mind (at
that particular time period)
P = progress from time to time (in case you want a current state)
Allow me to give names to them as personality = p,
Circumstances = C, mental state/health = M, and T = time interval and finally H=
Hence it became
H = P +C + M (T2- T1)
It basically proves is that Happiness is dependent on our
personality type, current circumstances, and Mental state through the time interval .