Eclectic psychology or Eclectism is a school of thought of psychology which deals with the abstract approach that does not include one rigid or single school of
thought or one set of presumptions but it basically relies on multiple theories, hypothesis, or ideas to gain supportive insights into a
subject or applies different theories in particular cases. However, there are
not rules which show how or which theories are combinedly used
it has derived its plan, scheme or flavor from a broad and wide range of
The Word Eclectic (noun: eclectic;
plural noun: eclectics) originally comes from the Greek ἐκλεκτικός (eklektikos),
literally " pick out” or “choosing the best (" from ek ‘out’ +
legein ‘choose’ ) and that from ἐκλεκτός (eklektos),
"picked out/ select" in short it can be summed up to “the practice of
selecting doctrines from different schools of thought without adopting one
whole system or school of thought
Like many other topics (e.g. sensation,
perception, intelligence, and memory etc ) it is also evolved from ancient
philosophy to psychology, Back then it belonged to a class of ancient
philosophers who did not belong to or found one school of thought or doctrine
but selected aspects from various schools of thought
It can be used in psychology when one needs
to find help in various aspects of a topic, hence it does not limit to a
particular theory or approach but instead it uses to find a theory or approach
that makes the most sense in a certain situation.
I found it because in my opinion Humans
are very complex being and everything they do or say can not be fitted in one
theory or approach, Hence it is a deeply “personal” way of dealing with a
certain problem. hence it adapts to
the unique needs of each specific client
This school of thought is an open approach
which gives you a room for constantly revising everything based on different
experience with different individuals
Hence different theories can be used by
fusing them together or some aspects of one theory and some from another can be
used at the same time to best fit the needs, hence it is a combination of therapies
question is “if there was one right answer to everything or one theory that
covered everything (which rigid followers of a certain theory believe) then
what was the need for so many theories which originated from time to time.
hence answers to so many questions can be found in chunks of different theories
, by collecting these bits and pieces we can make a proper method to solve a
the problem it basically depends on the problem, and the
goals of the treatment, and the client's expectations
In short t is a recipe which collect so
many ingredients at the same time, mash them up and create a balance among
each and every ingredient to produce an excellent outcome